Anger & Assertiveness Women’s Psychotherapy Group
In observance of COVID safety and with an abundance of caution, our Women’s Group meetings are on hold until health guidelines permit resuming in vivo sessions.
Now offering individual and couple Telehealth Anger & Assertiveness consultation and psychotherapy sessions until COVID-safe and healthy to resume.
Acknowledge your needs, desires, boundaries and respect yourself.
Assert yourself while respecting the rights of others.
Learn to regulate and manage anger, blame, fear, and shame.
Recover and heal from past / present traumatic abuse and bullying.
Gain confidence in personal, school and business relationships.
Attract & maintain healthy relationships with family, friends, co-workers.
Assertiveness is the respectful and responsible expression of one’s thoughts, feelings, attitudes from a position of natural authority while also respecting the other person. Maintaining good boundaries and holding your ground, enhances self-esteem, builds confidence, and promotes healthier, more satisfying personal and work relationships.
Women face unique challenges when experiencing, regulating and expressing anger and aggressive thoughts and feelings, as well as confidently voicing more difficult feelings toward others.
This supportive women’s group provides a safe, confidential place for you to learn assertiveness and anger management skills, and to heal trauma, abuse, and bullying from adult, teen, and childhood years. Share and witness each other’s successes and challenges, while practicing new skills and learning to value and respect yourself and others.
Diversity – age, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, religion, social class, and the rich textures of each person’s life experiences – are valued, respecting our clients’ diverse spectrum of differences.